Break-Fix Vs. Managed IT

Curtis Glassen Uncategorized

There are a few different ways companies can receive IT support: an internal IT team, a managed services provider (MSP), or via a break-fix model. Today, we’re going to compare the two outsourced options, hiring an MSP, and using break-fix services. A break-fix model means that a business only receives …


IS Your IT Security Up to Par?

Curtis Glassen Uncategorized

Not sure if your business’s IT security is in good shape? Then you’re in the right place, because today we’re talking tips for creating a secure computer system- with a guide to IT security. Unfortunately, cyber-crime is common in today’s world. We’re aware of what cyber-criminals are capable of. Yet, …


5 Tips for Working Remotely

Curtis Glassen Uncategorized

So, your job grants you the perks of working outside of the office. Working from home is a fantastic privilege, but with it comes equal responsibility. You’ll want a work-space that inspires productivity, fosters communication, and ensures cyber-security. As a remote-friendly company ourselves, we’ve put together a few safety tips …


VoIP Yealink Conference Phone Review

Curtis Glassen Uncategorized

Are you contemplating upgrading your VoIP conference room phone? Or perhaps your business still utilizes an outdated “pay per phone” system and you’re considering the shift to a VoIP cloud phone system altogether. In either case, stay tuned, because today we’re reviewing the feature rich Yealink CP960 conference room phone. …


National Cookie Day- December 4

Curtis Glassen Uncategorized

Did you know that December 4th is National Cookie Day? Rather than celebrate with sweet treats, we thought we’d take the opportunity to talk about a different kind of cookie. What is a computer “cookie”? A cookie is a small holder of information. When visiting a website, that website may …